
Last night at Riving Loom with Seth Anderson and Sammy Kay

Kev texted me about a week ago and asked if I could jump on as the local support.  I’d just had oral surgery a couple days prior. Called my dentist, asked if I could sing with a mouth full of stitches and not break something, once I got the OK I told Kev yes.  Between the stitches and being sick last week I had about half a voice. But we got thru the show and had fun.  Sammy and Seth are super nice dudes, touring to support some new records. Well worth checking out when you get a chance.  Small crowd of friends that came out despite the super cold temperatures.  And Poppy the dog. :)

November 19, 2018
No Visible Scars Now Available for Streaming and Download

Right around the time I was moving to Sacramento in 2001, I recorded a solo acoustic album called “No Visible Scars”.  It was released under the name “Nolan” for the same now-stupid-but-then-seemed-relevant reasons as my other record from that time.  We pressed a few CDs, and much to my surprise I had to re-press more copies a couple of times.  

October 28, 2018
Subject to Flooding now available for streaming and digltal download!

About a zillion years ago I/we made an album called “Subject to Flooding”. It originally came out under just the name “Nolan” (for a variety of reasons I won’t bore you with now). But really the record is a bunch of people. Steve Amaral who is now in The Nickel Slots played some guitar, Garin Casaleggio (of The Jacks, and Slattern V) played drums, as did Chris Robyn of Far and now Black Map. And Victor from Deathray / Cake played some keyboards and did some drum programming and engineering magic. And several other folks did stuff too. Despite just being called “Nolan”, it really was a full room’s worth of people contributing.

August 17, 2018
This Means Something Podcast episode

(EDIT: This had to get postponed due to illness. Original date was Aug 20 now it's on Aug 27! See you there!)

This Monday night, I’ll be a guest on the This Means Something Podcast with host Kevin Seconds! We’ll trade stories and songs amongst ourselves, and offer high praise to those kind souls joining us in the audience to scream real loud as we play our various tunes and provide other tomfoolery.

March 11, 2018
A sweaty guitar and notes from last night's song ideas.

A sweaty guitar and notes from last night's song ideas. So many great competing shows...thanks to those that came out and joined us. Pretty sure this is what I end up playing...interspersed with various stories about glam rock cover bands and high school talent shows...

March 2, 2018
New Track for Gold Hill Canine's Commercial

Just finished working with Gold Hill Canine on background music for their upcoming commercial. Written and produced by me, the final product should be out on the interwebs for all to see very soon. \m/